
Our tech now makes our way of living sustainable and gives most of the land back to the other species on Earth. The planet is one big wildlife park. The oceans are clean and full of whales, dolphins and fish. The coral reefs are doing great. What's more, everyone lives to this standard. Gone are the days or ghettos and poverty. It's a good world and we futuristic tech geeks were vital to making it all possible. The way forwards was, naturally, forwards. We took inspiration from the past, from nature, from science fiction, from human biological needs... and we made this new world. After all, we can only really specialise and grow our talents in a secure community that takes care of everyone.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 18, 2021.

The sustainable food towers took inspiration from the hydroponics and aquaponics of old. With all the tech we have now, in this futuristic world, we have all the food we need with none of the pollution and a fraction of the labour. Robots are awesome, gadgets are awesome. We eat, learn and play... it's a good life, night and day compared to the dark ages that came before.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 18, 2021.

In this "Star Trek" world we all have specialisms and missions. We apply to elite corps of engineer or medics and such when we are ready. Our living quarters are amazing. Our free time is so much fun, we really did take that to new levels. Humans love fun, right? It's what we do best.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 18, 2021.