Every supervillain is a version of EgoMan or TantrumWoman. They are so very boring. Here is the summary. "I want everything. I don't care if anyone gets hurt. Everyone will see that I am powerful. That will make me feel good... I think." Thus chaos ensues and of course, no amount of power is enough because power can't fix the part of the brain that is broken. For that, they'd need to go through the stages or maturing and learn empathy, then they'd actually feel okay and become a good person.
Every supervillain has as defective brain, for part of their prefrontal cortex, the supercomputer of the skull, failed to develop. If it had, they'd be superheroes. That's all that separates them. Did they develop their vmPFC? Do they have the power of empathy and creative perspective taking? Or do they still see the world through the lens of the toddler stuck in tantrum mode, seeing themselves as the centre of the universe, big ego and zero altruism.
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