In dawn’s emboldening rays, the flute sleeps. All the dayshine hours it dreams, reed still, brassy keys at rest. Then, come the eventide, at light lip’s command, its dovish hoots are conjured forth. Night isn’t night as its notes resonate to fill the auditorium. With eyes wide shut, its sound transports us to the height of summer in every season.
In that maple dawn, upon a yawn of prairies, the train arced into a visual grin. Gentle clicking as percussion, huckleberry fuelled chickadees as choir, it sang each yard as loudly as a sonnet’s mile. Through wide prairies and mountain passes same, it took the grandest of landscapes, in easy stride. Uphill or down, easy plains or rocky screes, wheels turned. Its chassis, water freckled during the starlit hours, soon dried to a glossy sheen. The engine master smiled, sipping coffee, eyes a dreamy gaze, for if the tracks were his nation's arteries, surely he had become its pulse.
The daisy meadow was hugged with warmest rays that stretched out as a hundred arms or more. The sun was so strong that day that the dawn sky was not blue, yet a honey-peach. It could have been another world with that tangerine sky. Yet the grassland and the daisies were singing Earth’s most familiar song. Its words were long within the breeze-breath, as long as those outstretched arms, and yet retained the clarity of any fabled yarn.
Into the crepuscular dawn,
Oh come the dancer's feet!
Come let them echo the new light,
For oh!
Their patter lets all hear,
The day is here at last.
Dawn ignites the green protectors of the blacktop road, these boughs that arc into the light, these oaks in sentry duty, each one rooted into the good earth.
Dawn brings a sunlight crown, smiling upward at black heavens, feeling how the passing night welcomes her more with each minute and hour.
Sun rays come as nature's easel, giving brilliant colour to what was hidden even under the passing starlit night.
Passed leaf, upon moss softened rock, come the sun rays that were promised us by the starlit sky.
There are days the dawn proceeds as if it were not ready to come, yet schedule demands and entrance, and so the sun rises all the same.
The dawn brought with a new freshness to the light, as if the world been upgraded to some higher definition.
Give me that dawn declared by the cockerel's calling, give me the moments that stretch out with each stirring of leaf and grassy wand. For then on that farm, cozy with dreams that fly through the rafters to the sky above, I can awake and keep my dreams with me until the stars return once more.
The sky was a billion pure eyes of light and the grass green underfoot, it was as if night and day had become one beautiful moment. Dawn had come.
By dawn's early light the riders came, the sun opening up as a flower on the horizon, rising to send those petals of gold to warm the forest - leaf, branch and root.
How often we see the dawn and take for granted the sun, that we see the blackness become a vista, the world we love, our home... yet after that, do we think of the light and how it brings our world to life? Do we think of how it shows us colour instead of only grey and warms us from our skin to our core, ignites our thoughts to beauty, inviting that light and warmth to enter our hearts also, before respectfully giving us time to dream, to accept it as part of ourselves if we wish.... yet always giving us the moon and stars. So, this dawn, as the blackish-greens take on their vibrant and verdant hues, I let it soak in a little deeper. As the sky changes from charcoal to soft dove grey I already cherish the blue that is to come. For the dawn is the invitation to the day, to the gift that is the present if we have the courage to see it fully and to love it with all that we are.
The sun rises as a canopy of gold, bright amid the blue, bidding the stars to take their nightly rest. As darkness surrenders, every colour changes from tinges of charcoal to a vibrancy. There are days I wonder what we give in return for such gifts of divine magic; perhaps it is our love, perhaps we radiate it into space; perhaps that is our connection to creation beyond the borders of our world, our reality. Perhaps inside I too am gold, a bright flame that burns for another kind. For me, that's a thought as warm as any bright new day, one that tickles my mind as much as my heart.
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