'Twas balmy weather on the fool's gold path, the track that fashioned foes of friends. Though storms upon it lost their identity, how they did rage on all the same. "Twas a tyranny of the heart, dear lassie, that way that was no way at all. "Twas an extinguishing of the soul's hearth, dear laddie, and upon it none can rekindle the flame. Harken to this warning. Let it not meet a single sole. Upon it darkness is ever clothed in white, fur trimmed, eyes bright - demons as angels will come in twisted song. Day to night. Right to wrong. Dark to pseudo light. So traveller beware. Beware! For the bewitching hour hath begun!
To trust yourself when all doubt, to lead from a danger only you can see clearly, to explain enable the blind to see, to give people the power to hear the extraordinary in the ordinary, to fathom the everyday and normal encryption of the spoken word, to show them the messages and conversations that happen all around us to different levels of the brain: that's quite the challenge. That's quite the challenge when until you can prove it they will think you mad and threaten you with the consequences that come to the insane. To speak and risk the twisting of the knaves of sophistry. That is what they ask. Last time I complied I almost died. I almost lost everything for nothing. So, tell me again why, tell me why this is the time, because even if it is now or never I won't unless I can win. I know more than most what these adventures into the world of the saviours costs... and the cost is never to myself alone. You know what? I do trust myself. I do. It's every other bastard out there I don't trust. This is a world of monsters. So many monsters.
In danger the "Hulk-smash" mode wants to emerge, yet only my more intelligent and calm self can ever truly "smash it."
When in danger I go to my quiet place within so that I can switch on the more evolved parts of my brain, my logic, creative perspective ability and empathy. For these always act as my divinity rod, my pathfinder, and always see me home safe, safe and as well as possible in whatever the circumstances are.
Every virtue exists on a spectrum with vice at either end, bravery sits between cowardice and foolhardy. In danger we reassess, take time, make no moves at all, and this is the brave choice. This is the right choice.
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