
Zombie detector 101 - they don't care about the destruction of the planet. Show them a pod of whales being murdered and not a tear is shed. Tell them that the oceans are being killed for money, that creation depends on us protecting the oceans, and they won't refuse to eat fish. Tell them that it is full of plastics and pollutants and they will add more hot sauce. Tell them that over half of the plastic garbage is related to commercial fishing, that it is highly dangerous to marine life, and they just stare. These are the zombies and the plague of emotional indifference is the virus. Tell them that slavery is used to make fish cheaper, people who are tortured for years and often murdered at sea, that the fishing observers get murdered too and the zombies just ask for more mayo. The best we humans can do is make the right choices easier than the wrong ones and pray they begin to recover their heart beat and heal their putrified and nasty brains.


The reason the zombie wanted to consume the brain, was in some ill conceived attempt to regain the mental functioning it had lost.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 10, 2020.

It is challenging to think of a state more lonely than that of the zombies, for they have decayed into a state that may only detect hunger and seek to sate it.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 10, 2020.

The zombies were cold, so cold, and with almost no beating heart.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 10, 2020.

The zombie had no awareness that its prey was living, only that it wanted to consume.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 10, 2020.

Did you think I was your dinner? Did you see yourself as the wolf? Hah! You are a zombie with decaying claws, rancid fur and ragged ears. My brain will stay inside my skull, thank you very much, it is you dear wolf I will cook on a spit and squeeze your brain to mush.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 13, 2020.

When the zombie apocalypse began the islands defended themselves and stood the best chance of staying alive; the big land masses were a mess with the virus mutating as it ran through such large populations. The navy patrolled those islands, those arks of humanity, with the fighter jets in the skies. No-one got in or out once it began - it was either a "total shut-out" or everyone would get infected.


Our zombie defence strategy was somewhat "Russian doll," with our areas colour coded.


When the zombie virus broke out I think we could have won, but the financiers got to bickering and simple steps to save lives were missed. It they'd picked love over money, the outcome would have looked so much better.


Dear Zombies of the Ecological Apocalypse, Earth, Circa 2020,
The following is a message for you from High Command.

Take note of the words that programme your brains for they contain a great number of "short-circuits" via words that are spelled differently but sound the same. These words programme you as a social virus, an unseen dream or unheard song, yet it changes you at your core. Take for example with the English meat eaters, the "lamp chop with mint sauce." You are here commanded by the Sinister Force to "chop" the "lamb" who attacks the "source of the mint." To your language, "mint" translates as "money" and "lamb" is an agent of the divine spirit who does work for the High Command. Until you gain awareness of these deep triggers and take action upon them, we cannot assist your kind because you do not meet the full criteria of a sentient and sane life-form. Should you cross that barrier, we will come. Until then, try not to "eat" the brains of those who are smarter than you - just thank them and do some thinking for yourself.

Kind Regards ("re-guards" because you are dangerous as zombies),
The Messenger Fleet of the High Command

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 20, 2019.