
You won because you never once played for yourself. You took the paths that made sense to you and not the herd. You heard them, but you realised they were on the wrong track. You won because you sought a victory that would belong equally to everyone. Your victory benefits them as much as it does yourself, or more. So, winner, now you win the chance to fight at the next level up. I hope you are ready because the count to restart has begun - so be gone, be gun, be strong.


Arc was blunt with them, "I will win - by hook or by crook, whatever gets my mission competed. There's a planet on the line, all of creation, everyone we all love... so, what did you expect the Archangel to do? What happens next, is on you."


I am the servant of the meek, the master of the strong and the enemy of the evil. Choose where you stand carefully because I always win; it is what superheroes do, we kick evil's butt and make sure we are the winners. So ask for help, follow or run... the choice is yours.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 22, 2019.

I lost everything, over and over. I restarted with nothing, over and over. You took every chance to use your subtle knife, over and over. Yet I learned a little each time, kept those mental post-it notes safe and sound. And so each painful punishment became another lesson, another chance to use the tiny fragments of light etched into what was left of my brain, fragments that in time would unite to become what I am today. And so, what can you do now? For I am the alchemist that turns loss into victory; the golden one with the golden touch. And so, regardless of the length of the road, my destination is assured. Should you ever find my secret, see the key in the rain, you will have converted to my way of being. It is love that wins, and if you look back over the eons, there was always a helping hand for anyone who asked, those cold and broken hallelujahs.