
Treasure, I would box for you in any ring. You are my title holder, my champion.


Treasure of the earth, the spring green-gold, comes into the warming light of dayshine.


You are the treasure because you are part of creation, a member of this living family.


Treasure me, I treasure you, for your love is the only gold I will ever need.


Love, you are my treasure, "x" marks the spot.


Treasure is in the eye of the beholder.


Treasure the warm not the cold, the love not the sold. Be bold and never fold. Hold on, treasure.


Open Sesame!
Open see same me!
Oh! Pen! See same me!

Pen as a cage.
Pen as words.

O as the zero of binary.
O.pen as a multiplication that eradicates the cage.

"See same me" - as the basic unit of trust in human psychology.
Trust as essential to love.
Love as our treasure.
Love as the gates of heaven.
Open Sesame!

This is your basic operating system, your O.S (Open Sesame). This is everyday language. This is an encryption key. What you need is right there in front of you, it always was. There are different elements for different aspects of brain functionality and impace behaviour, reaction and response. This is a form of code. Consider this the encryption key you need to begin.