
Upon the neat kept grass, upon the stretching green, sat one tombstone identical to its peers. Yet this one brought upon my soul the greatest floods of tears, for the name etched upon it spoke straight to my pure child's heart. For those we love, for the strong bonds we make, bypass all logic and reason. And when they are in God's keep, all we can do is pray their soul is well and perchance reborn someplace safe.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 15, 2021.

The tombstone was of white rock. It shone from morntide til dusk, ever reflecting light into the world as she did in her living years.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 15, 2021.

The tombstone marked the passing of one who'd been so beloved, who'd left behind the kind of legacy that made the world a better place.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 15, 2021.

There are those whom in life become heroes. They live in a manner that sets a gallant example of integrity and sacrifice for others. And thus after their passing we keep their tombstones as reminders of whom they were and pray that we can learn to become as great.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 15, 2021.