
The bird swoops in from the infinite blue, a winged dream bringer from skies that ignite the imagination to new frontiers.


A swooping bird appears in the air, neither expected nor unexpected. This after all is the place for them, a garden, trees and a perfect blue sky.


The aerobatics of the bird is quite astonishing, taking that exhilarating plunge without safety net nor ropes.


The bird approaches the ground with all the gaiety and fun of the roller coaster passenger, totally confident in the upswing that follows.


With a carefree talent that echoes the joy of nature herself, the bird swoops toward the grass with a confidence that makes it a camera flash moment, a tiny fraction of time that etches itself into the happy memories.


The bird swoops in as she were a messenger of the Gods, a winged friend come to speak to us of heaven's loving ways.