staffordshire bull terrier - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Upon the sea-washed sand runs a Stafforshire Bull Terrier; in his gallop is the joy of the free heart. He dances at the edge of the waves fully knowing it is his choice to either wade deeper or return to the safety of the shore.
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier takes in the sunlight of the day, feeling the rays warm her coat. She has a gentle yet determined nature, a playfulness that is self-assured.
In the autumn adorned parkland, upon a concrete pathway, comes a Staffie in a union jack sweater. She is all strength and sweetness, both stoic and joyous.
There is a nobleness to the profile of the Staffie's face, a happy gladness to be broad and strong. She has that sort of beauty that comes with such obvious burly strength, not the grace of the greyhound but the compelling attraction of true confidence.