The spaceship was a living being, intelligent and sentient, protecting her passengers from a deep and abiding sense of love.
The spaceship was an empath, not simply collecting data yet showing with clarity which of the organisms on the planet behaved as natural elements of creation and which had been infected by the negative force.
The spaceship served as an emotional amplifier, carrying the signals of the organisms to the wider universe, enabling the intergalactic conservation teams to make their priority lists and strategies.
The spaceship was a sort of friend-ship, for only those with real intention for friendship could enter and travel with her.
What had been thought of as a spaceship wasn't. It was a kind of space travelling organism with telepathic ability. It could communicate with all species of pure soul, yet could not speak with the those infected by cold indifference. Love is the fabric of the divine universe, and part of our intergalactic communication system. It is perfect because it can't be hacked by the hacks, though they try. You are either a pure soul or you aren't, yet redemption and cure remains possible.
The comm system of the galaxy is telepathy. Nobody flies around in spaceships fixing stuff because we aren't allowed to do interventions anyway. We tried it. Didn't work. So, we send the information this way. Hope you got it okay.