There are times that my emotions feel bruised, and the same way as with a physical bruise, they take time to come up and really show themselves. Yet in this time I have a chance to mitigate them, reduce them, render them more manageable. So... as hard as it is I drag my ass out the door for some endorphin raising exercise. I guess it's a form of self medication, but there are worse ones to chose. It's a healthy coping strategy I guess.
As the sadness comes you must love yourself as a good friend, treat yourself as a person you love, for then you will make it and the tough road will have been worth travelling with bare soles.
Anger is sadness in fight-mode.
Sadness comes as a painful cleanse. It is a chance to detox and reassess what is helping and what is hurting, a chance to make new choices and inform others that I have boundaries, needs and vulnerabilities.
One must remove a bullet from a wound and one must let sadness come out, it hurts like hell because it is.
Let the sadness out or it'll poison you; such open heart surgery without anaesthetic takes real bravery. Do it though. I'll be waiting for you at the finish with a glass of water.
The sadness drained through me rather than skating over my skin. It travelled through every cell to reach the ground. I filtered it yet strangely enough, I kept what was pure and it was the dirt that left.
Real love is a protector, a defender, a ride-or-die connection that stays with you for always and in all ways. It is raw and it will roar for you if required. It will stay with you in quietness and be your comfort. Real love will celebrate with you, and raise you up. Real love will be okay with your sadness and kiss the scars you hide from others. It is rare. Treasure it. Keep it as long as live. For real love is the greatest blessing heaven can give.