royal crown - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Symbol "V" is for victory; symbol "W" is for double victory or success for allies; the royal crown is a symbol for one who brings victory for all in the round. Everyone's a winner, baby.
The royal crown was never supposed to be built of metal, nor gem stones, nor other cold things that reflect the light. The crown was build by the fairy clan of actual beams of sun and moon. For when light is ready, it realises it is time to switch from waver to matter.
The royal crown is not a thing that can be conjured by mortal hand, yet a halo of light that is gifted by divine hand.
You can put a ring of metal upon your head and yet a crown it will never be, lest the divine spirit ordains you king.
If you haven't earned a real crown, by all means fashion a thing of silver or gold. It is but a work of man. A decoration. An ornament. A real king is listened to and followed because they are so loved, so wise and so respected. That is your crown, the love you have earned, the reason the people needed you to become head of state above all others.