"We evolved in Earth's natural world and can only thrive when she does; her fate is ours."
Rewilding is our way to heal Earth, to give humanity a future that is safe and secure, and so we must learn to compromise with mother nature - to give her space to thrive.
"We either give mother nature space to thrive or we learn how to thrive in space. And, realistically, only a small fraction of people will ever 'blast off' while everyone else suffocates and dies. It's now or never folks."
When we reestablish complete ecosystems with predators and prey the flora also thrives. Rewilding is vital to everyone's future.
Rewilding lets evolution continue for more species of flora and fauna rather than keeping them locked into agriculture. Our world is only strong with large biodiversity that can interact as in complete habitats.
In humans we reject social darwinism because it is cruel and would retain the genocidal primitive brain rather than evolve past it. Humans succeeded because they learned how to cooperate and take care of each other, now we can only succeed by taking care of the natural world too. However, when it comes to rewilding, we welcome natural Darwinism because this is how creation was formed and kept in balance. If our world is to survive we need this form of dualism, that we are part of nature and apart from it, both, simultaneously.