
Hark and bay,
Hither sway,
For cometh fairy calls,
In purest wonderings,
To claim the hearts of man,
To aid redemption's path.


Into the crepuscular dawn,
Come slither hither to the divine,
To temple turret,
In eternal fools quandary,
To take redemption's medicine,
To take the burn and pain,
Or sail to the gates of hell,
Toward its siren call,
Redemption is never free,
But hell is.


In finding redemption, you find your best, most talented and most angelic self - the one our creator envisaged you as.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 24, 2021.

Redemption is a way of being, a way of living, a devotion to loving - a trail of micro-destinations and affirmations to the road of the empathic warrior.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 8, 2021.

Redemption is when you keep on being your most loving self long after your sins were paid for in full. That is when you redeem yourself, when self-love is on autopilot.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 8, 2021.

Let me hear that redemption song and I will be as the sweetest of jazz on spring breeze, my soul gently spreading into the natural world as such soft air does. Sing to me of the will to help your mother Earth heal, and I will have the joy I wish for you. Meditate on love, breathe love in until it is in the very core of your bones and becomes the force that informs your intentions, corrects ills and brings you to a higher resonance with the divine spirit. Redemption comes of a will to see your flaws, to make a plan for amends and see it through in joyous and autonomous sweat and toil. To each is given free will, and so each chooses their own path home. Love, cooperation, kindness, empathy... let these be your lights and may you be strong enough to see what they reveal.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 21, 2018.

Soon after something frustrated me, there was always an opportunity to take that frustration out on someone else... or refuse to. It was as if the devil tempted, yet God was asking for me to be strong enough to "hold that ball" without passing it to another. He was asking me to help stop the pain and the hurt. I can't say I was perfect, but I became kinder. My family became happier; every relationship got better. We loved more... laughed more. I felt as if it were the road to redemption - one act of self control at a time, replacing bad stuff with good stuff. I got there though, walking each simple step on God's road, upon a love so pure.