
Climb the psychological ladders, ignore the psychological snakes, and every change will lift you toward your own victory.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 28, 2020.

In times of challenging changes you can either be a butterfly willing to reenter the cocoon or suffer the fate of the phoenix.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 28, 2020.

We are born to change, to adapt to world in which we find ourselves. The fire in us wants to mould the world into a more fair place. The water in us seeks peace and least resistance. Yet if we have real wisdom we learn how to blend fire and water in way that brings a warmth that erodes the negativities of the world one tiny particle at a time.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 28, 2020.

Change will come, yet know that you were born for change. You were born to choose between your inner good wolf and your inner evil wolf. You were born to become more as the angels or more as the monsters. So learn the difference. Many monsters believe themselves angels. Many angels believe themselves monsters. All, in reality, are somewhere on the spectrum between the two. Once you realise that your battle is within, you control the changes within and this will help to change the world for the better. It is you vs. you. So change.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 28, 2020.

Machines are made and then decay. Animals are born to grow, to adapt, to become better, to pass the mantle of maturity on to the next generation and return to their creator. Accept that you are an animal and that at every stage of your life there will be growth and change. Love yourself enough to let yourself become the next version of you, the psychological upgrade that itself will be replaced by the next upgrade.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 28, 2020.