Power gradients either reduce the or increase the burden of evidence required to feel that an action can be 'justified' or will be supported in wider society. The steepness of the gradient varies according to many societal factors. Humans learn predominantly via role modelling - what we see and hear programs the brain for those actions regardless of our genetic inheritance. This can be healthy or unhealthy depending on what we witness. In essence, our cultures, our lore and our language either increases or decreased the effort required to travel neurological pathways - as with water, the flow will most readily move along the pathway of least resistance, of least energy required, to produce a result. In countenance to this the solution is reduction in stress and fear (to allow better use of the prefrontal cortex (rather than the primitive structures activated by fear) and changing our culture and lore toward empathy and cooperation (rather than survival of the fittest, fear and competition). Prejudice is a power gradient that produces the harm that prejudiced operators purport to be attempting to reduce.
Racism and prejudices are the exhaust fumes of damaged egos.
Society will snap if you play "social snap;" other people aren't cards to collect into your deck.