Poverty is an essential part of the philosophy of money, to eradicate it the world must run with a love-nexus and not a money-nexus.
To level up a society open "kid's cafe's" - children eat free every day. "If you are in full time education, turn up and fuel up." Start there, figure out the rest later.
As an initiative to combat climate change, poverty and increase social cohesion, increase national health and boost education - set up free (or nominal cost) vegan buffet restaurants; and start it in impoverished areas. This provides high nutritional value, lowers carbon footprint and fights poverty. To eat there is a free choice and it starts to change the national taste toward sustainable living. The restaurants can be boosted by volunteers and by community action groups. This can be linked to a local growing initiative to grow vegetables instead of grass lawns.
Being a cinder-ella is not a sin. To start from poverty is a noble a-start as any. To come from a challenging start and become a great and loving person is a huge achievement. So, though we hope that Cinderella did live happily ever after, what happens often is that when a woman is poor the new family (and often the spouse in time) treats her as the maid, an inferior, a person of not-s-good genetics. Frustrations with the children are often then blamed on her - after all "he married down." Of course, there are boy Cinder-ella's too. There are times when the girl was more affluent and the husband is treated as the "poor relation" and blamed for any problems. Families cannot be this way. They can't treat the spouse with such cold heartedness and expect the marriage to function well. Marriage and parenthood are challenging enough without these extra pressures. Family is supposed to support and nurture. Perhaps we need to see the "happily ever after"? Perhaps we need to see how family is supposed to treat a new member that is vulnerable and otherwise alone in the world. In survival cultures (money-nexus) there is a tendancy to support the stronger partner in any controversy, the rationale of the situation bending around this truth. As such, our Cinderella girls and boys often are bullied even after the wedding.
In this broken world, if you need to put food on the table and keep a roof over the head of yourself of those you love, then honey, you do what you gotta do. I'm with you. I love you. But when there comes a choice of work that builds yours soul or steals it from you, take the path heaven offers as soon as you can. You are loved. You are wanted. You are needed. Sister, brother, you are seen.