I'm only a pickpocket because of circumstance. When I see a better and more honest path I have every intention of taking it.
I'm a pickpocket, a sort of assertive begging. I use only the arms God gave me, no enhancements. I smile, and the lack of wallet is the worse thing that occurs. If I get caught, so be it, I'll do the time.
I'm a pickpocket, not an Oliver Twist, I do okay. But the forces that drove him to steal back then and the forces that drive folks into it now are identical. When you live in a world where to fail brings starvation and death, where the money is concentrated in larger amounts the higher you go in society leaving dregs for the masses, this is what happens. Me, I leave Bruce Wayne and his parents alive and breathing. Violence is for idiots. I want to eat, to live, to have self respect, that's all folks.