
Personal evolution or personal evilution, you chose. I'm here for the former. I will kill the worst of you to give the best of you room to grow. I am the magical doctor. I heal with words. Yet we all realise that medicine can sting. It is good stuff though, you will evolve faster with me. Perhaps think of my magic as your catalyst. I won't change, but you will. You'll become so much sweeter and happier.


Imagine all of your memories are upon cards - all of them - the good, the bad and the ugly. Positive people reread the good ones more often, they remind themselves and others of everyone's best traits. The bad or ugly ones they have reflected upon and come to a healthy form of acceptance, one that is both protective of the self and fair to others. Negative people ignore the good memory cards and keep the bad and ugly cards in easy reach. Thus when they are in any combative frame of mind they bring them up quickly and with force, surprising others, wounding others, creating negative emotions in those around them. And this is the power of positive thinking. By choosing your memory cards carefully, by learning how to process and let go of the bad and ugly memory cards, we can change ourselves and our relationships for the better.


Stamp on me all you want, so long as you then mail me somewhere nice. Someplace I can be happy. I'm done with this venom and spite; I've got my own stamp of approval. Otherwise envelop me in loving arms and learn how to be a giver in a positive relationship. Are you going to evolve or revolve? Because, honestly, I can't survive another revolver.


Being fit was always a part of who I am, right from childhood. I was lucky to have an outdoorsy father and the chance to play with my brothers in our garden and in the woods. There was no focus on what we ate. We just ate. We played. We ate some more. It was simpler than it feels now. But, I digress. To move from a fitter childhood into a fitter adulthood is easier than adapting good habits you never had. It can feel as if you are being asked to reinvent the wheel and then not being given credit for what a genius achievement that was in the first place. I can only imagine the challenge of being fit for those raised on poor quality nutrition and limited access to outdoor play. Life became so sedentary and indoorsy. However, when I have been out of shape, what got me back in shape was making small changes at a time and evolving my habits slowly rather than expecting to do it all at once. One small change. Live a month or two that way. When you are comfortable, make another small change. It takes longer, but in my experience it works and the results last - no yoyo effect.