music of the universe - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Birthed from the silver flute, musical notes skipped into the universe as flattest stones upon mirrored lake top. Yet its radiating waves neither vanished nor diminished in a two dimensional plane. The waves as a sphere did travel, gaining momentum at ethereal speed, gaining light as a willing partner.
Stars clustered together in great threads, drawing a picture in the heavens. One thinks of threads as making a cloth, a fabric of some kind. That is what the stars did in the grand stage of spacetime. As they twinkled they made a music that came not to the ears, yet to the soul. Somehow, though we watched it form far, far away amid the constellations - it was happening inside us too. We were being rewoven, remade, and the stars had everything to do with it.
The music of the universe always has the perfect song, all I ever do is tune in.
I hear the music of the universe at the level of intuition and I convert it into my art.
Today there is a new optimism. I feel that the music of the universe shifted into a more energetic gear. It takes time for these things to manefest in the world, yet despite what we are witnessing upon the global stage today, I sense better is coming.