morbidly obese - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Professor Orbit went on, "for example, over seventy percent of my morbidly obese patients had childhood abuse, often sexual, and their fatness is actually their defence mechanism. That must be healed with talk therapies before any weight loss plan can be effective. Otherwise it is as trying to pry a fire extinguisher off a burns victim who is always checking their environment for sparks."
For years she had lived inside the cocoon of fatness, afraid of being a butterfly for fear of the lizards with their overly long tongues.
He was morbidly obese, yet those layers of fat were is sword and shield in a world bereft of mighty champions.
The weight-loss had been going so well until a well intentioned person showed interest in being a new lover... then it all went back on again and more. Shields up, cocoon reinforced.