My life these past twelve years or more has been akin to sprinting through fog, so talk not to me of faith, I have earned my stripes and then some.
My life is a bright moment that has grown to become a thread.
Life is only safe in a love-nexus.
There is no life without one another, without the beetle and bird, without the leaf or cloud. We are all born with unique talents and passions to be a gift to the rest of creation, to become a wonderful addition to the whole.
When we feel to the core of our souls that life is sacred, when we see that the natural world is woven into our hearts, that we are all part of this great tapestry of creation, then we will finally be home. Then our mother Earth will feel that we have returned.
Life is the most sacred of gifts heaven can bestow, that which is yours and those in the rest of creation. It is for we together to preserve and enhance paradise. Only the sense of love can do that. Only the philosophy of love can build a love-nexus.