legend of angel star - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
The" Legend of Angel Star" and the "Legend of Knight Angel" are the same legend, though they start in different places and at times are torn onto different paths for their own protection from the evil force. Together they cannot be camouflaged from the evil that hunts them, their unity is possible only when God is certain that their light will win.
The legend of Angel Star has been told for generations, that she moves unseen by order of God until the return of the Knight Angel, her protector. For they were made as a pair and will only bring peace when united.
Angel Star is the keeper of Holy Lore, often called law by mankind. Yet she is a storyteller and will weave truth into many tales of fiction. She is a creator of myth and legend. Lore is flexible and thus is capable of holding divine truth; law is inflexible and a cause of war and harm. Angel Star is thus always telling the truth as if it runs in liberty alongside the imagination. She teaches love as supreme first principle as the key to comprehension of her fairytales. In other words she is the brightest star of heaven, the first archangel. Her yin yang pair is the Knight Angel, her lover, her eternal soul-partner.
Angel Star went on solo missions, before reuniting with Knight Angel is pursued by suitors, but none of them suit her. They are either randoms that find her while in camouflage mode or "sitters" sent by Knight Angel's legions to take care of her. However, she is very sexual and being a "nun" or "none" doesn't suit her at all. In addition to this the passage to human form wipes the memory. She feels that she is supposed to find her soulmate and partner, she has an instinct for him, yet nothing more. As she tries to find her soulmate her journey in romance is destined to fail until Knight Angel is able to reunite with her. The potential suitors she meets along her path will inevitably hide behind her when danger comes because they sense that she is a great warrior - and they are right. Angel Star has fought both alone and alongside Knight Angel when needs have arisen. Though she is focused on lore, she is more than able to go into combat. She is a defensive Guardian of God too. When she sees them hide behind her she loses all interest in them - instantly. The love she poured their way stops abruptly. A man who hides is not Knight Angel. She moves on with sadness, ever hoping to find her lover.
Some aspects of your reality have a degree of illusion. They can represent aspects of other realities that impact higher elemental versions of yourself. In such, a danger here may give warning to dangers on the other realm. If you need to vanish there we are signifying that your true self will need to vanish here too. We are sorry, Commander Angel Star. We have done our best. It's up to Earth and the earthlings now. We were rescuing them. Now, we rely on them to rescue the heavens.
You are now the "level up" role model of this era, stay humble, Protector Angel Star.