The wordsmith of the institute pondered, "'Ladies' is an odd word, is it not? Formed as if it were 'lad and dies,' as if it were the bit in the mouth of a horse being steered. For the son will protect the mother, and the mother will protect the son. And so in 'ladies' or 'lad-dies' each will become fearful for the other at the most primitive level. It sounds as if it could be an old binding spell from centuries ago when the upper classes were a brutal mob. Generations ago all this was common, the pen is more powerful. A word such as this is an antique from antiquity. They are the ways both paupers and kings were controlled. Alas. This word is quite the corker though, it is as if the word is a double ended sword, very tough to get a handle on, pun intended. Ha ha! God, I'm funny. Ahem, moving on. 'Gentleman' is a good word, perhaps we should say 'gentlewoman,' seems fair."