Samantha knew herself well, if she had a hundred items of jewelry she'd probably wear her favourite three every day and never the rest. So she chose one nice pair of earrings, one necklace with a locket and one pretty bracelet in platinum. They were classy, Celtic inspired and fine craftsmanship. Plus, if she didn't get so many, she could afford high quality.
When you are the kind of human Clara is, jewellery makes little difference. How can you put a bow on perfection? Her presence was one of elevating sprit and empathy, the kind of person who glows as a warm hearth in winter. I guess that's why folks gathered round her. The most I ever saw her wear was antique earrings and a locket, perhaps a bangle or three if she was getting dressed up. She looked good too, I'm not saying other wise, only that it was her soul we were in love with.
Upon her finger was a simple wedding band, an elegant platinum thing. It curved as three strands woven, almost as if they had grown together over time.
Jewellery to Minah was her Grandmother's ring and a friendship bracelet I'd woven for her in middle school. Best friends forever, sometimes you really do meet the one you're supposed to.