Illusions or "masks" for the self or others will segment your brain into dysfunction; the only exit is self honesty. Be real and reality will improve, for real.
When all illusions are down within, they will come down externally too, so expect big changes if your personal relationships aren't honest or well founded. Expect a rough ride toward a better future.
Illusions to the self and others, in time, will make you sick.
Some aspects of your reality have a degree of illusion. They can represent aspects of other realities that impact higher elemental versions of yourself. In such, a danger here may give warning to dangers on the other realm. If you need to vanish there we are signifying that your true self will need to vanish here too. We are sorry, Commander Angel Star. We have done our best. It's up to Earth and the earthlings now. We were rescuing them. Now, we rely on them to rescue the heavens.