
"And if you want further casual evidence of the meekness of the human being, how they are are a social animal that feels bound to social rules, go to a supermarket. Here, in a society plagued by hunger, where one in five lacks adequate nutrition, there is one uniformed guard who daily as nothing to do but stand there is if only a door greeter. It is because we are docile and cooperative that this system has been in place so long, and it is because we are docile and cooperative that the system is redundant. Food could easily be removed from the monetary system and enable the world to eat freely. With good role modelling the new societal expectations would be adopted and we would follow those patterns instead."


There is no animal in the world, other than the gentle human, who is so dominated that they are asked to labour while hungry for even the smallest amount of food that is poor in nutrition. The free animal when hungry seeks food, focuses only on food. Yet babies, young children onwards in great numbers are often hungry and eating food that is nutritionally unsuitable. This leads to increased disease and early death, in extreme cases it leads to risky illegal immigration or even mass migrations to avoid starvation and the swathes of disease that comes with it. When our monetary system was born, it was said that the surplus population would increase in good times and die when their labour was not required. Those folks long ago cared not if the poor starved or died in disease or war - that was simply getting rid of unwanted population. Yet we now live in a world that can produce enough food for all and distribute it freely to all, thus preventing hunger, death and disease and bringing peace worldwide. Is this not the heaven we seek? Is that not how we end the hell of all this suffering to so many? It is as simple as making a new system that treasures and respects every citizen and rather than treating them with no more respect than an extra hammer.