I get it how women can feel good in their hijab, after all, hoodies feel great, kinda protective and cozy.
It was the sort of hoodie that hugged you, that brought a sense of safety. With it on I breathed more easily, felt more calm. I realise its just clothing, but when the world feels so big, its great to have a sense of emotional safe-harbour.
People are always looking, but how many really see? I guess that's why I wear the hoodie sometimes. It stops the judgements they make from those competition-obsessed social-status-crazed minds. Or at least it guards my face from them somewhat. If they could really see... if they had any emotional intelligence at all they'd see how I'm struggling just to stay afloat.
In these hoodies, we "rough and scary folk" are as young children in the safety of their blankets. In a world where none have the time to hug, to listen, to play... where unless they work every hour of the day then our basic survival isn't assured. The money-system broke us, we broke, we broken... and we need a break.
The hoodie was my place of comfort, regardless of the world around me. I could be someone from the world of fantasy, walking so cloaked.