Hobo? Don't say that. Don't. That's a person. If you don't know who they are, at least afford them the dignity of their own hunanity.
If we are not the children of society, able to access care when we have need, yet are the children of a loving God, then we have cast out members of the holy family in favour of chasing the treasures of materialism. We even give the outcasts names or labels that are linked not to our centres of empathy (in the brain), but to our centres of emotional indifference. Words such as "hobo" were subconsciously adopted in our culture to enable and enhance such emotional indifference... which is the opposite of love... which in this context is a form of evil... and hence in opposition to the will and instructions of a loving God. Language matters because it is how we wire our brains for different emotional responses toward different people or to creation itself.