Ask me for help, just ask. I promise that when you do, it is a blessing on us both. To help is a gift; to be asked is trust and the start of a bond. It is one way we love one another more deeply. So when I give to you, it is with love and gratitude. What else are we here for other than to show our love in our actions?
The news article was so personal. I could see her as easily as my own sister, standing there in that war. She had nothing. No safety. No right to food or home. No place to go. If I was there I could call out her name and she would turn and see me. But what would she see? Help? Judgement? Pity? Refuge? A chance to survive the hell she'd been catapulted into? And here I am in my home - warm, safe and fed. There by the grace of God go I.