
The haunted house whisperer developed bespoke solutions for the ghost and human clientele that brought real peace for all parties.


The haunted house had gained the right kind of exorcist, one with enough patience to teach it how to let its ghosts find peace.


In that haunted house were items from the dreamscape world of metaphor, with much communication by visual puns. These ghosts cared not for spelling, only sound, and when the imagery was decoded they were sending an SOS that was scary because they had been so scared for so long.


The haunted house was tired of the mess, the spiders and limp cobwebs... and so it chose to become a more fun sort of haunting... the kind of house the "Adams family" would choose.


Sophia's opinion was that a haunted house was in need of nurture, of soothing, of discovering what it was the ghosts needed and wanted so that they could pass on.


The haunted house had never learned how to become a sanctuary for the soul as other homes had, and the more it struck out the lonelier and angrier it became.