
Setting goals well comes from a soulful meditation, a profound sense of why you are alive and what you wish to give. Added to that, I found the obstacle to my own success when I realised it was something I was either doing or not doing, that I had the power to make changes that were positive. A great athlete gets there by choosing to train every day, because they listened to their inner passion and this was the whispering of their soul. The great writer writes every day because at the deepest level of who they are there is a flourishing of words that need to be born into the world and live in the hearts of others to bring health and joy. The builder or engineer lives to solve puzzles in three dimensional space, to provide shelter, a place to call home. The mathematician lives to solve theorems, gives answers that fuel technological innovations.

And so the way forward is to find this inner wish, this innate desire and passion, and then see how to scale or walk around your obstacle, to dance that exact path you feel compelled to dance. Then every day you take steps toward conquering it, for over time those steps take you to your goal and even beyond it to new horizons. This is growth and the focus you need comes easily when it is born of your loving curiosity, a sense that if you achieve you benefit everyone else, that you will have a beautiful gift to give others. Your wish, your love, your curiosity, your desire to help others, your need to be your true self - that is your "why?"


When the goal I set is good for me and good for the world it as if a fire was lit in my belly, the kind that is lifelong. It is a fire that feels akin to joy and makes work as fun as dancing to music, so wild and free. Then even though I am on a path, it is my path, and I realise I could have chosen any other. So goal setting from within is a fuel of freedom, a need that fulfils, quite the opposite effect than when it is externally imposed.


When my dreams set my goals, when my heart is onboard with the plan, then the work is joy and my love made visible. When all that I am sings with pride for the gifts I am able to give as a result of my work and determination, I am eager to do more for others. For this is the magic of when working for others and working for the self are the exact same thing. This is inner peace that becomes social peace.


My goal setting is done by my soul and my intellect selects the path, this way I am a machine of nature, one who is able to be a sister to all creation. That kind of feeling of peace and oneness, it is there for all, is the birthright of all. So know that when we come together with similar goals, we will have variation in perspectives, and that the need for autonomy and the freedom to express these differences are a part of the gift that is each other.