
You are the good Goliath, the giant who is supposed to win, but those ants will have thier slingshots because their lore has taught them that the meek are always right even when they are greedy and self serving. Be friendly when you can. Create goodness where you can. But if those little buggers start biting then for heaven's sake squish them. It's all you can do when the hoards start roaming.


Emotional giants are givers. They are the greenery in the emotional ecosystem, taking in sunlight energy and making pure sweetness. That's why you can't afford to have total niavity or be giving to everyone and anyone - because the locust will come and leave you with nothing at all if they can get away with it. So remember that you are the giant and they are the ant. You can say "No," to what they want and you can ignore them too. Often that's the only option they give you because their mandibles keep on chomping.