After every storm, after every fire, when all appeared so bleak - verdant carpets sprung from Mother Earth as if the "reboot" was merely a setback.
The flora danced in the summer air, a jubilant fiesta of vibrant hues.
Upon that earth that had been worn by flood and scorched by sun, came the greenest of new flora, how it formed a blanket of promise, a hint of the gaiety of bloom to come.
Plants shored up the earth with roots of finest lace, ensuring that when the rains came she was able to remain and nurture the flora and fauna of the region for every season that followed.
The flora had a way of humbling the eye, of showing what God could create from such simple ingredients and in such abundance.
Without flora, all the sunshine and rain in the world would only bring havoc, and so we are humbled by the simple seed our creator has evolved.