fairy folklore - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
When you learn that your lore is your law, that your storytelling is an essential part of building good neurology, the kind that can take care of each other and your planet, perhaps then you can say you have enough intelligence to meet we fairy folk. For in this fairy lore, in this love-nexus, magic arrives, god given and pure. Perhaps you would call them miracles, yet there is no difference. Either way these gifts come to those whom will do good with them. Learn your lore and you will have order and freedom.
Human we call you for your silliness - so concerned with the "hue" of the man and rarely the kindness. Perhaps one day you will choose to be mankind in stead of this hue-man who walks the ground he pollutes and then asks to sustain him, wet with tears for the "cruelty of nature," of she who gave you life. Only with the innocence of child may we be found, after that you grow deaf and blind in the heart and mind. The doorway to our world is akin to a mirror for the energy of your spirit; come with anger and see visions of evil, come with a child's love and see a magical realm of beauty. This is how we stay safe.