
The extremist is an 'extreme mist,' whereas a radical is the sunlight that melts it away to reveal the landscape.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 30, 2020.

An extremist goes to the outer extremities, the radical stays in the core, they are opposites.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 30, 2020.

An extremist seeks solutions by running into the horizon, the radical seeks to make the home comfortable, loving and good. Only one can take you home... because they never left it.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 30, 2020.

Let us find more truth in our words, for our words are a reflection of our culture. Radical, means to find our true roots, to find love, honour and kinship with humanity and creation. We can think of "roots" as akin to the roots of a tree, feeding with water, the symbol of truth. When we consider "extremist," we hear something else, "ex-tree-mist," that in such actions a person has left the tree of creation entirely and entered a world of mist and fog, that they are lost in paranoia, hate, fear and lies. Every branch of extremism I ever saw began with a radical step, a noble attempt to find truth and love, yet they then become extremist, lost in the "mist" and detached from the kind of love that protects us all and promotes the most heroic aspects of humanity to develop. A true radical never becomes an extremist, they denounce extremism and enable populations to return to core values such as love, cooperation and empathy.


The linguistics of the radical wire up logic and self control to empathy to root society in core values and promote cooperation. The linguistics of all varieties of extremism wire up emotional indifference to fear (and sometimes logic without empathy). It is biologically impossible to make sound choices without using both logic and empathy in simultaneously, indeed, it becomes a form of slow-mo developmental brain damage that destroys both the connection of the individual to the best version of themselves and society itself. If a mechanic was miswiring a car you'd stop them, extremists (such as alt right) miswire the brain. It's a kind of short circuit that cuts out the most important and most highly evolved human ability - that of love. God gave it. Let's keep it.