It was the era of valour reborn, of a sense of gallantry defined by chivalrous code. For the day was one by the knights that rode for truth, honour and love, for they rode with Zeus and Hera, the gods returned to mortal form for the sake of winning the apocalypse. The four horsemen were thus met with many horseman in the opposite direction, all of them serving love, creation, plenty and peace.
To divine ears came the calling for love's era, to meet scowls with calmly reverent appeals to sanity and the restoration of fair-play.
In this era of unconscionable acts, the D-day beaches ask us to cease hell and whisper of creation's loving truth.
This is her era, our wise, wise Hera - with eyes of heaven to see our core and make it divine once more. Because... our Hera... is here at long last.... our broken hallelujah's salve.
Let's hear the calling of our era, the voice of well reasoned sanity to share, to care, to show our vulnerable hearts, to become rays that bring soul-healing truths.
You are now the "level up" role model of this era, stay humble, Protector Angel Star.