emotional warmth - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
There will be no lizard, no snow blizzard, yet simple emotional warmth.
As flowers open in spring, happiness blooms in emotional warmth.
Show me a man with emotional warmth and I'll show you a prince among men. Show me one with skin so thin that his heart shines though and I'll show you the best a man can be. Show me a man who loves and holds compassion and kindness as his highest treasures, and I will show you a treasure of the Earth. For these values are human values and they belong to us all. They are the qualities that make a quality life, family and community. So, if you want to be loved as strongly as those storybook princesses... find a prince among men.
Of all the companions the universe could have sent, I am forever in gratitude that it was you I met. For in your company, in your strong emotional warmth and intelligence, I became a version of myself that I had given up as lost.