
In emotional ecosystems, from the micro to the macro level, when it comes to positive actions vs negative actions you are earning in cents and spending in dollars. Thus for the relationship, family, community, nation or globe to have positive emotional equity, the balance of positive actions to negative actions needs very careful attention. We humans are more sensitive than we give ourselves credit for and our need for feeling emotional acceptance, appreciation and protection is huge. Thus until we treat one another with far more love than we currently do the emotional debt cycle will go on.


Positive emotions are whispers that build to a together voice, negative emotions are loud speaker messages that often get stuck on repeat.


In the emotional ecosystem the dominoes we set up are hard won, then some jerk knocks them all down again. We stand there blinking in dismay, then bend to pick up the dominoes one at a time, because we love each other... because we aren't the jerks... perhaps it is time we learned how to glue them to the floor.


Venting to a person who is wise and loves us, or a counsellor, has a way of letting us transform back from "Hulk" form into our more reasonable and best self. This is a vital function in the emotional ecosystem, in chemistry we would call this a buffer. Much of the online world has not only removed the buffer but amplified the emotions that cause the not so smashing "Hulk" versions of us to appear in the real world.


In emotional ecosystems ego builds towers and love builds bridges, only that latter remains when the earthquakes come.