
Ed-tech, such as this website Descriptionari, have the power to begin the process of bringing a quality education to all who can access technology, to bring to all students the sort of ideas that were once only part of a privileged education. Enhancing the power to think, to be creative, to harness the innate genius - that is an important part of what will lead to a fair and peaceful world.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 18, 2020.

Edtech, or educational tecnology, was the combination of the new AI counsellor programs with personalised teaching modules. As such every child was taught in the perfect way by their own AI. Of course, they needed real teachers too, and we had classrooms and community events. Humans need humans, that'll always be true. But it was time to stop pretending that a species that evolved with four family members caring for each child (on average), that one adult could "care" for twenty or thirty children. It was nonsense. It always was. And that's why before we wasted so much human potential. Kids would go into school with genius ability and come out struggling to create thoughts or make an opinion that wasn't spoon fed by media and politicians.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 18, 2020.