
The desert stood as God's own example on how to do so much with so little, to adapt and overcome in a way that brings life.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 2, 2020.

The desert was resown and regrown as trees, shrubbery and more, for as the techniques for land reclamation grew, so did those golden dunes turn green.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 2, 2020.

The desert is part of the golden soul for those who love big sky and the story of a resilient nature born to survive and thrive.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 2, 2020.

The desert was a warm and expansive golden brown, as wide open as it is ever possible to imagine.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 2, 2020.