creative writing ideas - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Creative writing ideas are like birds in my garden that come when I am still and quiet. When all that moves within me is my emotions they begin to sing. That's when the magic happens, that's when story ideas flow. Here on Descriptionari there are thousands of such little "songs," and you are cordially invited to "hear" as many as you wish.
Creative writing ideas are as the seeds of flowers, so tiny that they go unnoticed until they are allowed rain and sunshine - emotional truth and emotional light. As you allow your core to warm as the soils do in the summer time, green leaves come, roots set down and soon your flower blooms.
If you jumped over a wall every day, you'd get better at jumping over walls. You'd get stronger muscles and more coordinated. Getting great creative writing ideas is just the same, keep on making little hops however stupid and in time you'll make mighty leaps with ease. Nobody is born an Olympic quality jumper, but when we practice consistently we become great.
Creative writing ideas exist in the subconscious in a kind of intelligence that can exist without words. Thus the head feels empty when it comes through. The ideas are translated into words on the fly, and so their appearance on the page has a magical quality to it. What that means, ironically, is that when you allow your brain to be empty of words and forced-thought, that's when you are ready to receive the creative ideas that are queuing up to exit your brain.