
"For the creative genius to remain in good health," said the Doctor, "they must keep their logical brain in good order with critical thinking, philosophy and such - whatever is of interest to them. For otherwise, if the creative genius aspect becomes dominant then they risk insanity. Thus the higher their logical thought ability, the higher they can push their creative genius - for they are not competitive yet complimentary my Dear Watson."

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 25, 2020.

In the work of the creative genius there are the tell tale signature elements of the dreaming brain, for in such people the dreaming brain has access to the higher brain in waking hours. This flow between areas is what makes them so very clever. The dreaming brain is powerful enough to invent a new educational movie for your eyes only every night of your life - imagine this power harnessed - this is where the creative genius exists, on the edge of the neurologically possible.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 25, 2020.