The cowboy did what all conquerers do, buried the past, turned vices into virtues and then wondered why his world was more twisted than any lasso rope.
When the "good wolf' self keeps telling you the truth, it will either be music or poison to the soul, and to whom it is poison often will reach for the liquor. The cowboy was just the same. For he slaughtered and called it virtue, yet the soul feels the lie and the good self seeks to regain control... and so it is inebriated at every possible turn.
"Cowboys and Indians" is genocide wrapped in tissue paper with a bow on top. It is how all stories of war are retold, how slaughter is made heroic, how the worst of humanity are raised to podiums and pedestals. All cultures have their genocides, yet to make it into a fashion and entertainment, that's a sickness we need to shine a light on.