
Personality was once thought of as more inherited than it is. In truth the way we are has more to do with neuroplasticity and epigenetics than anything else. As such it is more fluid, as a river responding to its bed and the weather around. With love and nuture, with taking on our inner battles to become the best version of ourselves, by embracing our inner passions - this is proper characterization, for this is the character of humanity.


Characterization is a photograph of how a person was in a moment, the background so very relevant. For personality is a moving thing, one matures as one ages, one is different in different environments and with different influence.


Humanity is a role-modelling mammal. We learn most by observe, imitate, practice, master. As such character comes so much from what we observe in others. This we can change with our own choices. Who should our role models be? What do we want to see? Who do we want to be more similar to? Whom do we respect the most?