
I am warm hearted and sweet, but come at me with emotional indifference and my "bitch mode" is automatic. I will slay you as the zombie you are.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 10, 2021.

I can see every aspect of you and I would be your best friend if you could figure out how empathy works. As it is, with knives in both your hands and several in the air, I'll do my matrix thing and dodge them. Oh, yeah. Creativity is intelligence. So, to this creative bitch, you are as slow as molasses. Being mean makes you dumb, that's a fact.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 10, 2021.

Everyone has their reasons for being how they are. Some of us get passed our troubles and mature, others get stuck a sort of basic mode of fear and reactions, loving responses absent or portioned out for personal gain. That to me is a "bitch," but I keep on walking when I find one and I call that self-respect. I'm lovely, I'm worth loving and to keep beating back negative opinions is so tiring. Either solitude or people who want to love and be kind, that's all I need.


"Mike, no, I won't. It's always the way. I'm softer, nicer, so I'm always the one asked to accommodate the bullies; 'Make nice, don't make a fuss, flatter them, act vulnerable." Well not this time. If you want her, let me go. Then you won't be in the middle, problem solved. I won't roll over, I'm not the bitch."