They call me antisocial, but we live in an unfriendly culture. If you look at the average person walking down the street, they look miserable. Then they meet someone else and suddenly their happy mask is on, they become animated like some garish zombie corpse, smile and laugh. I believe that if we lived in an honest world, where we could show our real emotions and for that to be okay, perhaps we'd find ways to make culture a truly supportive and emotionally warm place. Yet for now, we observant and sensitive people, we keep our distance for self protection. You can be so-called "antisocial" and still be pro-society; it's just a form of realism and a search for truth.
You can be so-called "antisocial" and love society, love animals, love nature and love arts, music and more. When we shy people try to come forward, when we offer our vulnerable hearts and get burned over and over, we retreat. It's that simple. Perhaps over time some become jaded and cold from the lack of external sources of sparking fire, yet instead of condemning the obvious result of a cold money-based society, one that values people and nature in cold currency, perhaps it's time we tackled the real cause - the cultural emotional indifference toward the real needs of people, youth especially. After all, a society that breaks the individual is a broken society.