
The brain scan of the suspect showed a trauma brain structure, thus lack of self control and decrease of empathy. Born for love, traumatised until dysfunctional, punished until dead - the short story of so many we need to lock up. The chance for reform depended on how deep the damage ran and if there was a suitable environment to release them into, one that would reverse the trauma and heal them.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 25, 2021.

The suspect was the usual sort, the kind that had never had steady of dependable love in their lives, the kind born into a cruel chaos that comes on intergenerational trauma.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 25, 2021.

The money-nexus requires an oversupply of poorly educated people to be the cheap labour, to drive down costs of production and increase both the competitive edge and productivity - to increase the stock market prices and value for the owners. Thus it is the system that makes the criminals, then rounds up the usual suspects, developmentally brain damaged and primitive in their reactions, struggling through damaged lives that damage their loved ones and others, and incarcerates them. For what else but huge punishments could keep the money-nexus system in place? The opposite is instead of increasing pressure with punishment, to decrease pressure with social assistance, to provide the necessities for a healthy life. These steps are the small steps toward the love-nexus, toward what a system that is actually bio-medically appropriate for the human animal.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 25, 2021.