
There comes a time when "pushing" one's ideas that could save our world becomes morally the right thing to do. And so, if you have the time, I urge you to read my book, "Nexus. A Treatise in Defence of Love as Mankind's Answer," so that we can rescue each other and our planet from the trouble of our current era. There is a link to a free version and a Kindle version from my bio (bio-link below).


The great philosophers spoke of first principles, yet to my way of thought there is only one first principle, love. As the branches of a tree grow from the trunk, all of the ideas for a well functioning society must truly from from love. And this must not be a ruse, the words of the great twisted to make a trap for others and engorge themselves. It can only work when we are truly good, when doing good deeds makes us truly happy within and the opposite brings misery. For when we can do this, intellect, intuition, heart and soul fully tuned into what love is and is not. When this can be put into practice and we create our brains to always refer the logic and intellect to love as first principle, then we are truly the students of philosophy and we will grow wise as those branches spread in liberty.


If a creative solution to integrate any two ideas is possible, then they are not mutually exclusive by definition and any argument treating them as opposing 'truths' is redundant.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, November 24, 2015.

Let’s move on, and don’t worry about Kitty, she’s very happy with her milk as you can see. She loves the whole milk best. We can throw yarn for her later. Alright already, stop looking at me like I’ve cracked. Let’s press on. Now take whatever sum of money you decided to kill Kitty at. Now the question is would you kill Kitty and ten other kittens for it? A hundred other kittens? A million other kittens? A hundred million kittens (and Kitty)? At some point you said no, right. I know you did. I hope you did because at some point you’ll realise the Kitty dilemma is a micro-model for the entire earth. At what price will you decide to cook the planet? For most folks right now there is no price at all, they do it for free, they pay to do it in fact with “convenience” lifestyles, but I digress again. So at some point the life of the kittens was worth more than the cash. But what about Kitty? Why wasn’t she worth saving all on her own, just for her? That’s the thing about philosophy, we have to follow ideas to their logical conclusions. If at some point life out weighed money, then it always should. If money outweighs life, then it always should, and as barbaric as that sounds, it’s where humanity has been heading for a long time.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 15, 2015.

Found in Are you awake yet? - first draft, authored by Daisy.